Wednesday, December 18, 2019


                  During the period from December 16 to 18 we were engaged in preparing questions for the Achievement test that is to be conducted at the end of the teaching practice. The questions were prepared considering the difficult sections for the students after evaluating the answer sheets of the Diagnostic test. 

Friday, December 13, 2019


                                 As the second term examination commenced on 09-12-2019 and will continue till 18-12-2019, we were not assigned to any duties and there were no class. So we, the trainees engaged in preparing the rough draft of the project. My project is a case study on the topic 'Govt. H.S.S. Anchalummood as  a Hi-Tech School'. I engaged in collecting data for the project. I also prepared statements and questions for the attitude test and interview. I also engaged in writing a book review of the book 'Teaching English Successfully'. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019


                      During this week, I continued the lesson 'The Merchant of Venice' and took about the next 12 paragraphs. I took an activity lesson plan too on the topic 'Synonyms'. On Dec 3 the school had a special assembly conducted by the Little Kites group of the school.

                      For the effective teaching I used power point slides, charts, flashcards etc. as teaching aids. During this week I observed  the classes of some of the trainees. I conducted a diagnostic test for the class VIII H to test their knowledge.  

                      I strongly believe that the students could cope up with my class. The students were actively engaging in the class activities.