Monday, January 27, 2020



Name of the teacher trainee    :   Devika Deleep         Std. : VIII H
Name of the school                 :   Govt.H.S.S.              Str.  : 
                                                     Anchalummood.      Dur. : 40 mnts
Subject                                    :   English.                    Date : 13/1/20
Unit                                         :   Share and Care
Topic                                       :   Solitude (first stanza)
Theme                                     :   Human values
Sub-theme                               :   loneliness, care.

Content Analysis

Ella Wheeler Wilcox's 'Solitude' is a poem about the relationship between the individuals and outside world. In the first stanza Wilcox shows how to face problems instead of seeking happiness through others. The poet says that when you are happy and joyful, people will want to be around you, when you are depressed nobody will be there for you.people will only want you at your best and never at your worst.

Learning Outcomes

The learner, 
  • develops imagination and creativity.
  • reads and enjoys and appreciates poems.
  • identifies the meaning of new words from the context.
  • develops the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • realizes the importance of human values.

The learner,
  • has read similar poems.
  • has heard about the author.
Teaching - Learning Resources

Course book, Source book, Dictionary, C.D.

1.     Informal Interaction
Teacher creates a good rapport with the students by engaging in an informal talk.

2.     Entry Activity
Teacher creates mental readiness among the students by displaying some pictures and asking some questions relating to the topic.

3.     Link Talk
Teacher asks the students about their experiences with family and friends when happy and when sad.
Teacher then introduces the author of the poem to the students.

4.     Introducing the Topic
Teacher introduces the lesson by displaying the title and the author’s name on the screen.

5.     Model Reading by the Teacher
Teacher reads the first stanza of the poem with proper stress, rhythm, intonation and pronunciation.

6.     Silent Reading by the Students
Teacher asks the students to read the first stanza silently.

7.     Collaborative Reading
After the first reading, teacher asks the students to share what they understood from the lines.

8.     Scaffolding Questions
Teacher asks a few scaffolding questions to the students from the lines.

9.     Glossary
Teacher introduces the unfamiliar words in the lines.

10. Appreciation of the poem
Teacher gives a short appreciation of the poem.

11. Group Activity
Teacher asks the students to be in groups and prepare a profile of the author. Teacher gives hints for the profile.

12. Refining/Editing
Teacher corrects the products prepared by the groups.

13. Presentation of the Product
Teacher asks the group leaders to present the products prepared by them.

14. Review
Teacher recapitulates the lines and asks some review questions.
·        Who is the author of the poem ‘Solitude’?
·        What is the author discussing in the first stanza?
·        “Life is a mixture of joy and sorrow”. How differently do people react to each of them?

15. Follow up Activity
Teacher gives the following assignment.
Ø Recite the poem 5 times and find out the rhyme scheme of the poem.

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